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Thematic Research Compilations

Problem Solved Sales and Research can only compile thematic summaries of content manually and if they know everything published in detail. Client Benefits Automated compilation of documents according to themes.
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Identification of Topic Correlations at paragraph level

Problem Solved Difficulties in finding tradeable instruments thematically. Client Benefits Automated detection of co-location of specific topics in individual paragraphs allows for the discovery of cross-asset thematic links.
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Automated Pre-Publication Document Tagging for Enhanced Research Distribution

Problem Solved Research suggestions are too wide or too limited based on available document tags. Client Benefits Enriched document tagging allows more granular categorisation of research and therefore of suggestions.
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Post-publication document tagging to validate and extend the Research metadata in your database

Problem Solved Inconsistent manual tagging leading to incorrect tags stored in database. Client Benefits Maximise thematic discoverability of research.
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Personalised Research Suggestions

Problem Solved: Research suggestions are too wide or too limited based on available document tags. Client Benefits: Enriched document tagging allows more granular categorisation of research and therefore of suggestions.
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Discovery of trending themes

Problem Solved Difficult to identify trends in recent Research topics. Client Benefits Limeglass heatmaps provide an easy visual representation of key topics and can be used as a filtering mechanism to identify research documents on those topics.